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I received my PhD from National Taiwan University, Institute of Oceanography. Before joining department of marine biotechnology and resources as a faculty member, I was staying at UCLA with Professor Paul Barber for my post Dr. research on phylogeography of reef organisms in the Coral-Triangle. My research interests focus on the evolution, population connectivity, phylogeography in different spatial scale, as well as systematics and species boundaries of coral reef fishes and corals. Currently, I collaborate with various scientists around the world who share the same interest and common goal with me.

To tackle the connectivity of marine organisms I applied both Sanger and massive parallel sequencing methods on different marine species. During the past 5 years, I am focusing on several projects including deep-sea coral connectivity by using both microsatellite loci and RADseq, possible dispersal mechanism of spoon grass (Halophila ovalis) by microsatellite, and macro evolution pattern of fang blennies by using phylogenetic comparative methods. Besides academic research, I also devoted myself to educate students to love and care about our ocean by understanding the role and function of marine organisms as well as marine ecosystems.


About me: Bio
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